My 12 Step Program
Today's thought is:
"Life by the mile is a trial; by the inch it's a cynch."
In the past, we got into trouble when we thought we had to have
our lives mapped out forever. That just did not work.
We need only deal with the problems and joys of today. If we try
to see too far ahead, we lose touch with the reality of the here and
now. The Lord lets us know what we need to know when we need
to know it.
What seems impossible when looked at in total—writing a book,
putting the children through college, abstaining for the rest of our
lives—becomes manageable when worked at step by step, day by
So many of the things we worry about never happen. How much
better it is to concentrate our energies on the real demands and
challenges of today, insignificant as they may seem. When we
turn our lives over to our Higher Power, we trust Him to manage
the master plan and to direct us in the small details of living each
Today's thought is:
Do not lose your inward peace for anything whatsoever, even if
your whole world seems upset.
--Saint Francis de Sales
Today may have been filled with tense people, hectic schedules, or
confusion and anger from those around us. We live and interact
with a variety of situations that can range from slightly stressful to
very stressful. How we handle ourselves in those situations can
determine our inner peace. We can be like an amoeba and suck up
the surrounding mood and conform to it, or we can remain
detached from the situation and be in touch with ourselves.
Just because the environment around us is like a battlefield or is so
uncomfortable we want to squirm, that doesn't mean we have to
prepare for battle or move about restlessly. Whatever is happening
outside of us is somebody else's issue. Our most important issue is
us and our own inner peace. The only way our inner peace can
change is if we allow it. We are in control of our inner selves—not
the world around us.
I can remain calm and serene in the face of any crises because of
my strong faith. I believe all is well with me.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Today's meditation comes from the book
Night Light by Amy E. Dean copyright 1986
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The Recovery-Network "Thank GOD I'm SOBER" newsletter is dedicated to those of us involved in recovery from addictions or life threatening diseases.
T.G.I.S. #24 - Facing Your Fears
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the last century’s greatest presidents, at his inaugural speech in 1933 spoke these extraordinary words. "First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyses needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."
How true. Fear is one of our greatest enemies. It holds us back from obtaining our true destiny.
The origin of the word fear comes from Old English and it meant, “calamity, or disaster,” but not the emotion engendered by such an event. Fear is first recorded in Middle English with the sense “emotion of fear” in a work composed around 1290. I am sure prehistoric humans knew the feeling of what we call fear all too often. That was back when we as evolving beings developed the fight or flight instinct as one of our means of survival. How ironic that the very thing that guaranteed our existence as a species can challenge our development and progress as individuals.
Fear can be broken down into two categories. Justified and unjustified. For the purpose of our discussion we shall focus on the latter.
Examples of unjustified fear.
Fear of Failing.
Fear of Success.
Fear of Commitment.
Fear of Loneliness.
Fear of the Future.
Fear of the Past.
Fear of Living
Fear of Dying
_____________ <-- insert you own fear
How often have you forgone or lost an opportunity because of unjustified fear? Most of these fears have their origin in a irrational belief or attitude that we are not worthy, or we do not deserve to be the benefactors of opportunity.
Here is an interesting point. Our fear can be looked at as a measurement or yardstick of our distance from the Higher Power. The more connected we are to a power greater than ourselves, the less we will focus on our fears. Think back to a time in your life when you where fearful for whatever reason. How great was your faith in Higher Power during that period? Was it non-existent or just somewhere on the back burner while you allowed other thoughts of self-will to deal with the situation that caused the fear.
One of the best ways to overcome fear is to face the very thing that frightens us. This is easier said than done but if practised becomes less troubled. Again, reliance on a Higher Power will prove useful in overcoming the obstacle of fear.
Work as if you don't need the money.
Love as if you've never been hurt.
Dance as if no one is watching
In the weeks ahead, look deep inside for what is holding you back from your goals and if you find that fear is the chief culprit then let it go.. take a chance, do something different, let your Higher Power be your guide and soon you will be living life to the fullest, one day at a time, and ......
Facing Your Fears
The Recovery-Network
March 10th, 2002
P.S. This issue was written out of necessity. In a couple of days I will be facing a fear (and a judge) which may offer the reality of some time away from being able to continue with TGIS for the next few weeks. The outcome is not in my hands but just in case the worse does happen I can promise you that TGIS will be back running as soon as it can. Any offer of encouragement by return e-mail will be graciously received.
The Recovery-Network is a non-profit anonymous spiritual community for people involved with addictions, life threatening illness, or emotional issues. Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated. Feel free to forward this e-mail to those whom it may interest.
Visit the Recovery-Network website for Live Chats, discussion forums, listen to "Keynote Speakers" from AA and NA in real time, post your favorite recovery links or to unsubscribe click here....
Today's thought is:
Feelings are everywhere—gentle.
--J. Masai
Throughout the day we experience many feelings. Losing
something makes us angry. Fighting with a friend makes us sad.
Perhaps we're lonely because no one is home. Getting an
unexpected treat makes us happy. Our feelings come and go just
like the hours of our lives. Letting our feelings be whatever they
are is good. They'll go away in time. We may not like all feelings;
sadness or anger may be uncomfortable, but being human means
we'll have many different feelings each day. If we're quiet with
them, they'll help us grow and understand others better, and then
they will suddenly be gone, replaced perhaps by a feeling we like
Will I be able to accept my feelings today whether I like them or
Today's thought is:
In silence alone does a man's truth bind itself together and take root.
--Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Constant noise can slowly but surely condition us to a constant
inner cringe. Adaptive as we are, we may not even notice that
we're barraged with noise most of our waking hours. But our
bodies and spirits notice it, and cry out for relief.
Our precious peace of mind knows that something is hammering at
it, assaulting and disturbing serenity. Even our hearing is being
affected, according to German scientists who recently warned that
before long hearing aids will be as common as glasses. And police
statistics show that crime rates are higher in areas where noise
levels are consistently high. Noise is the background music of
tension, anxiety and rage.
Regular periods of quiet time are absolutely essential to emotional
and spiritual growth. Unless we can put three or four thoughts
together without a bang or a roar, we'll never be able to think very
deeply. We can't dream our dreams to the tune of thumps and
buzzes. If we want to get in touch with our spirits, we're going to
have to get away from noise in whatever way we can—perhaps by
using earplugs, or by spending noon hours in the library. Only then
will we be able to hear what wisdom may whisper to us in the
hallowed halls of silence.
Creating noise-free time may help me more than I realize.